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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) Campus D3 2 Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 66123 Saarbrücken Germany
Exploring mention representations for coreference in dialogue
Exploring mention representations for coreference in dialogue
Research questions:
– What is the best way to represent mentions? Is it enough to use a concatenation of different embeddings? If yes, which embeddings work best for which type of mentions?
– Can we improve the results by encoding/embedding other (linguistic) features?
– To what extent does context affect the choice of markables?
-How to represent the span with multipable tokens? sum, average, concat?
Data: we can use (part of) the data from the CODI-CRAC Anaphora Resolution Shared Task 2021 and/or the OneCommon dataset (
Paper suggestions:
- Improving coreference resolution by learning entity-level distributed representations, Clark and Manning, 2016. Link:
- End-to-end neural coreference resolution, Lee et al, 2017. Link:
- Integrating knowledge graph embeddings to improve mention representation for bridging anaphora resolution, Pandit et al., 2020. Link:
- CorefQA: Coreference Resolution as Query-based Span Prediction, Wu et al., 2020. Link:
- Pre-training Mention Representations in Coreference Models, Varkel and Globerson, 2020. Link:
- Improving Span Representation for Domain-adapted Coreference Resolution, Gandhi et al., 2021. Link: